Last year at this time, we planted a few trees and bushes. It is always fun to see what a year will do. So here are some pics of our planting from last year and how they bloomed in 2015.
(Clicking on pictures will open the large versions)
This is a Forest Pansy Redbud tree. It didn't bloom much this year, but the leaves are beautiful. |
Azaleas line one whole side of the house with three camellia bushes, two at each end and one in the middle. Pretty good first year blooms. |
Nuccio's Pearl Camellia. It was a real bloomer. |
Flower from the Ack-Scent camellia bush. |
This one wins the prize. This is a Chinese Fringe tree. No picture can capture the beauty of this tree. |
Our planting from this year (2015)
Dwarf Butterfly Bushes - they will only grow to around 3 feet wide and 3 feet high. These are called Tutti Frutti. We've had lots of rain so they are kind of beaten down. The statue is called "Basking In God's Glory". | |
Bottlebrush tree at the far left and then a line of Wax Myrtle or Southern Bayberry bushes. Wax Myrtle bushes grow very fast and will create a privacy hedge. The berries were used to create Bayberry candles. They are also a flea and mosquito deterrent because of the citrus odor they emit. |
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