Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring Planting ~ 2014 & 2015

Last year at this time, we planted a few trees and bushes. It is always fun to see what a year will do. So here are some pics of our planting from last year and how they bloomed in 2015.

(Clicking on pictures will open the large versions) 
This is a Forest Pansy Redbud tree.  It didn't bloom much this year, but the leaves are beautiful.

Azaleas line one whole side of the house with three camellia bushes, two at each end and one in the middle.  Pretty good first year blooms.

Nuccio's Pearl Camellia. It was a real bloomer.

Flower from the Ack-Scent camellia bush.

This one wins the prize. This is a Chinese Fringe tree. No picture can capture the beauty of this tree.

Our planting from this year (2015)

Dwarf Butterfly Bushes - they will only grow to around 3 feet wide and 3 feet high. These are called Tutti Frutti. We've had lots of rain so they are kind of beaten down. The statue is called "Basking In God's Glory". 

Bottlebrush tree at the far left and then a line of Wax Myrtle or Southern Bayberry bushes. Wax Myrtle bushes grow very fast and will create a privacy hedge.  The berries were used to create Bayberry candles.  They are also a flea and mosquito deterrent because of the citrus odor they emit.